Page of Wands

Curiosity in motion

True to their character as a page, the Page of Wands is a curious person. eager to go on an adventure. This one has the energy of fire under their seat – they’re excitable and energetic.

The Page of Wands can be someone who has just had a brilliant idea and is wondering how to set about it. They hold their idea out in front of them and watch how it shimmers. They feel a burning inside as they feel excited about how things will go.

This is someone who wants to learn all about the element of fire. How it shows up in our lives, how we can use it, what it can be used for. Again, the Page of Wands could be a student, perhaps learning about politics, social affairs, business – anything that takes a lot if initiative and dynamism.

As wands are the suit of ideals and principles, this may be a person embarking on a social mission. Maybe they’ve just started to learn about socialism of feminism or some other radical way of seeing the world that is grounded in a set of principles – and they’re excited to find out more and put these principles into practice.

Because ‘action’ is a core idea for this page. Wands are all about doing. Manifesting. Making magic. The Page of Wands is inspired by ideas, but is focused on what they might become.

Special skills: Curious, energetic, inspired.