The heart’s adventure
This page’s curiosity is directed to all things heart and soul-centred. The Page of Cups is eager to fall in love, ready to hand her heart over, overflowing with the willingness to open up and share.
It’s a beautiful, happy card, representing a person who acts like they’ve never been hurt. They can feel their heart beating and want to take it on a journey. In some cards, we see the image of a fish leaping out of a cup. The fish represents spirituality and reminds us that this will be a spiritual journey, but the Page’s attitude is one of playfulness. They see the beauty in this, but also the fun.
This needn’t be about love or romance – the Page of Cups is an explorer of the soul, too. Theirs is the realm of water, spirituality, intuition, and magic, as well as feelings and emotions. They may not know what is meant by ‘follow your bliss’, but they know that’s what they want to do. This could point to experimenting with different spiritual or religious practices, exploring different ways of understanding or expressing their spirituality. This is a good time to try something new, perhaps something you’ve been cynical about in the past, or something that has always called to you.
Enter into this journey with a lightness of heart and an expectation that it will be enjoyable. Don’t take things too seriously at this moment. Journeys of the soul can indeed be challenging, there may be dark times on the path, but this is about going in with an eagerness, a curiosity, a light sprit, and a readiness for adventure.