(30th Dec 2019)
Important message from the creators of the Spacious Tarot
There’s a small “error” in our first print run!
Hey there! Carrie here with some IMPORTANT INFO for you. Take a look at this card. You might not notice anything the first time you look. But if you look at it KNOWING you’re looking for something off you might spot it…
EVERY DECK in the first print run has this “error.” This means that your deck will come with this special card.
There wasn’t much we could do but laugh when we discovered this. Both of us looked at the proofs approximately 13083250913 times and somehow missed this! As hundreds of these have already been shipped (and hundreds more are waiting in the wings) we are hoping that no one will think of this as a fatal flaw.
There are examples throughout various cultures of artists who purposefully put flaws into their work. Although this flaw was not intentional, we like to think we are in good company. This shows the deck was made by real humans, right?!
We hope you understand that small mistakes are just part of supporting an independently created product! We hope you will love the deck as is! If you do not, let us know and we can look into cancelling your order. When we do a second print run (which will likely be later in 2020) we will update the card. But until then, receiving this special Three of Penatcles is just another way of knowing you have one of the very first copies of The Spacious Tarot!